ISNE Tarot reading with Honey Heart (h0neyheart)

So I'm not sure how many of you have ever had a tarot reading yet, but I say to you if you haven't ever had one done perhaps you might want to think of having one done for you. I myself have had a few by a good friend of mine but today I got to have the pleasure to have Honey Heart (h0neyheart) do a deeper, more informative one for me curtsey of ISNE event.. and let me tell you, it was quite an experience,. Before i get into how it went though, let me give you some insight on her and then get into the experience. 

Her name is Honey Heart, and she is a spunky, sweet blond that so does not meet the stereotype ). lol you know what one I'm referring to, and its not her (at least not in my meeting of her) .. She's very brilliant, insightful, intuitive woman who was and is just a pleasure to talk to. Honey is the owner of ~Ladies' Pleasure~, Harvest Moon, Elite Equestrian and is also a partner at CEH Productions. As well as on top of that, a Co-host of Tarot @ Teatime, to which you can listen on VC Radio every Thursday and Sunday 12 noon and 4 pm, this is done at Chestnut Hills.. or you can simply click the Tea-Time link here included :) 

Virtual Community Radio presents exceptional music, spoken word, and informational programming in Second Life. Tune to  to listen! and/or Request a reading:


Ok, so with all that babble and history done, let me get into my experience with her... 

In our reading today honey used a pyramid layout format.. It consist of the top card being the "issue" card, the middle two being the influences, and the bottom three being solutions .. 

I'll open up about what we discussed.. I had asked her about me and relationships. See i am a survivor myself of domestic abuse and rape and, because of that i often feel like I'm not on the right path with love, and I end up questioning everything to do with that relationship, so as we went on as i said our focus was "relationships" with that, she shuffled the cards, locked onto my energy and drew my cards.. 

Card 1 Empress, 
cards 2-3 The world & 7 of Swords;
cards  4-5-6 Page of Swords, 9 of swords, King of pentacle 

After each card as i couldn't obviously see the cards that lay in front of her, she described them so beautifully to me. Her words left me able to see them in my own mind with such beautiful pictures. she would also then explain to me what the card was, and what it meant.. 
Doing these for all six cards, we would discuss things in between, as she would give her honest take on the cards, (which i graciously appreciated ) and wed move to the next card..
By the end of the reading I didn't exactly have the answer I wanted, but I had the answer I needed.
I am the victim of domestic abuse, childhood trauma and rape.. I have been beaten with not only fists, but with words, it is those words that have taken the worse beating on me. Honey helped me look into my past and realize with the help of the cards that I am still holding on to some of those words in my past. Those little triggers that dig into our heart and soul deeper then a rod or sword could ever.. Words that express love, or even the phrase causes my mind to look at one and either accuse you of lying, or associating that with pain; pain that you will either inflict mental or physical pain on me, or that you will abandoned me..
Words have a power over us that we don't even give them credit for. Our words have the power to lift us, or to tear us down. words have the power to mend us, or break us. For me after my reading with Honey, I have a point of homework for myself, my homework is to exam myself; both the words used against me by others, but the words I use against myself. To take those words, and the negative effect they have on me, and turn them around to something beautiful and meaningful. For example when someone says, "Wow, you're so strong." instead of thinking of it as a bad thing, or taking it as a negative, think of it as "Wow, you have great fortitude.... You are an Empress.. and you are powerful." 
When we take back the power words have on us, and the power others who use those words to gain power against us, we take back a part of us, and we take back the power. So I challenge you as well today, look into the words you have heard about yourself, and defame those words, turn them around into something in a positive point. I also challenge you to get a hold of Honey and her co host and get yourself a reading, I can promise you that you most definatly will NOT regret it, I know myself personally will go back in the future for another reading...

Readings with honey are free at the Raiin event for i say no event, it is asked that if you so able to, to donate to the charity and the cause though to help others in need. I will give you the link to that as we end this lil talk, and as I leave you intrigued 

Virtual Community Radio @ RAINN

Virtual Community Radio's Tarot @ Teatime is a leading weekly Tarot  Radio show.  Cohost Honey Heart will read at RAINN, FREE, with any tips 100% benefiting RAINN!
Come Visit our Tarot Tent @ RAINN
All times slt/pacific 

First come, first serve, all readings are in VOICE and in English. You must be able to hear and accept a private SL Call.


**Sunday, July 24th @ 10-11am : LIVE TAROT READINGS with Honey Heart.

** Sunday August 7 @ 10-11am : LIVE TAROT READINGS with Honey Heart.

Join us in the pixels, or on the air!

Stay Tuned!

Contact to : Honey Hear


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