[. Monotypic .]. Love shouldnt hurt ..... still i rise

pictured above -
.[.M.].  Love Shouldn't Hurt 
.[.M.].  Still I Rise
created by ; Vᴧsı (vasilia.utherwurldly)

These pictures are a lil personal for me, in my real life I am a survivor of domestic abuse, (hence why in the photo you shall see the purple ribbon - the domestic abuse awareness ribbon) ,, and the message these pictures bring holds such importance and truth... love should never hurt, it should not leave you battered and bruised.. 

if you or someone you love is or has been a victim of domestic abuse know there is help... for more recourses or help plz contact - https://www.thehotline.org/ or call 800.799.SAFE (7233) or text start to 887888

if you or someone you know has been a victim of sexual assault, or any sort of violence there is help for you... 
https://www.rainn.org/resources or 
Telephone hotline: 800-656-HOPE (4673)

don't wait till it is to late, you are not alone, there are people out there who care, just reach out and allow someone to save you from that abyss you feel like you are drowning from.. from one survivor to another, or one who is about to be a survivor,.. you got this. you are a goddess and you're about to let them hear you roar.. keep you're head up and held up high, you can concur the world.. 

check out the 

July 16 - August 16, 2022



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