Coming up October 2024

 October is a big deal for me, more so irl then sl but I bring 110% of who I am in rl into my sl.. 

In rl I am a domestic abuse survivor. I was with my ex husband for 12 yrs and each of those years was a struggle, each worse then the year before.. and why did I stay you ask? well we had three children together so for them I tried my best.. not until 2012 after a big fight and my then eight year old coming up to me saying they were afraid for me did I smarten and leave... so for that October and Domestic abuse awareness month is a big deal to me.

October though isnt just domestic abuse month, its also Strides ... its Breast cancer awareness month... 

My grandmother was a two time breast cancer fighter and survivor.. her mom before her had it but sadly lost her battle, and two of my grand mothers sisters had it as well but like their mother they did not beat their battles.. it is a battle myself irl at 41 have already had a scare with, I was blessed that in 2021 it was just a scare and not the real deal.. I hold on to the hope though that helping those fight with strides and cancer research that one day well have a cure... 

my grandmother was not the only one with cancer in her life though... i have had a cousin who is now 40 that in his young teens had leukemia .. he was blessed to win his battle. though his dad currently his battling his own battle with cancer, i am not sure what type.. i do know our aunt had lung cancer and did not win, though sadly not many do... and currently my father is battling his own battle. it started off with lung cancer, and we were told by some amazing miracle he beat it.. but now he is telling me that it has spread to his kidney and liver.. so we shall see how this battle plays out.. his father before him had bladder cancer, and beat it.. my father in law with prostate cancer and lost.. 

you see for me.. i have had so many people around me fight.. some win, some loses.. but its always a fight.. and those are my reasons why.. those are my reasons for why i fight.. i fight for the ones who cant.. those young children without a voice, or those who have no support system like when i had my scare, i fight for them.. i fight for those who have everyone in the world there for them, but feel so alone and so scared in their fight.. i fight for ever single person out there and pray one day we don't have to fight but that we will have a cure.. that is why i fight.. and that is why these fights are so important to me.. .

so this month I hope you'll all follow the blog.. check out the flickr and the events.. I am blessed enough to be part of Rock Your Rack this year as well as Out shop cancer.. and though i dont have a team to call home this year im hoping next year ill be able to say im part of a team once more to help even more.. but i hope you'll check out the two events ill be blogging.. and check out their events, their shops and what not and help us kick cancers behind.. bc we all have our reasons why.. we all have someone we love to fight for.. and even if you don't yet, you never know when you will have someone to fight for, so lets start the fight today and knock out cancer! n

plz make sure to check these events out this coming month and keep your eyes on this blog as well as my flickr acct for some cool items for sale during the events and hunt items .. 


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